Mis ultimas comisiones, de arriba abajo podeis ver:
Cold Flake, una supervillana helada creación de
Caemgen and Lestari, tambien de
Dark Hunters, una comision privada con criaturas de ultratumba
y por ultimo a
Marie L´Angelle,la inquietente abuela de Jesse Custer, de la genial serie Predicador.
Si os interesa una comision solo teneis que enviarme un mail o una nota en mi sitio en Devian Art.
My latest comissions, up below you can see:
Cold Flake, a ice supervillain creation of
Caemgen and Lestari, also of
Dark Hunters, a Commission private with creatures of afterlife
and finally to
Marie L´Angelle, the grandmother of Jesse Custer, great series Preacher.
If you are interested in a Commission you only have that send me a mail or a note on my site at Devian art.